Steph Skardal QuiltsSteph Skardal Quilts

Digital Swatchy Tool


Click on one of the color dots to create a draggable swatch in the white space. Drag and drop the swatches around. Click Reset to clear your palette. Toggle various fabric lines to hide or show them.

Fabric Line

It's another day to share a tool using my open sourced color data generated from swatches available online. Today, I am sharing a digital swatch tool - allowing you to come up with different color combinations from your desired set of solids fabric. To select a color, either drag it from the bottom to the top, or double click on it. Once you've got a "winning" set, click on "Export Color List" to copy the manufacturer and color of each swatch to your clipboard. Or click "Reset Selected" to clear your palette.

As with all of my color tools, keep in mind that because the color data is generated from the swatches available online, there can be color discrepancy.